
If you reside abroad for a period exceeding twelve months, it is your right, and indeed duty, to register your details with The Registry of Italians Residing Abroad. (AIRE)

There are a number of benefits to being registered with AIRE, though primarily the registration will permit you to access to consular services, such as the issuance and/or renewal of passports, driving licenses and will also, importantly, permit you to exercise your right to vote in elections and referendums.

All Italian citizens and pensioners residing abroad must have an Italian Tax Identification Code (codice fiscale). The codice fiscale is a tax identification number used in all interaction with government agencies and public administration in Italy.

The codice fiscale is issued by the Agenzia delle Entrate (the Italian Revenue Agency) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Italy.

To apply for the codice fiscale, patrons need to complete an application form that can be submitted either directly or via Patronato INCA. Submissions sent via Patronato INCA will shorten processing and waiting times and will result in the codice fiscale being issues more promptly.

For more information, please contact your local office of Patronato INCA.